'Clunkers' program: A preview of government-run health care

You don’t need a crystal ball to figure out what government-run health insurance will look like — just take a look at the cash-for-clunkers program, brought to you by those efficiency experts at the Department of Transportation and its administrative handmaiden and newest taxpayer acquisition — Citigroup.

Just six days after the clunkers program launched, it became apparent to DOT officials that they didn’t know how much of the $1 billion allocated to the plan had been spent.

via ‘Clunkers’ Rebates at Risk Unless Senate Acts – WSJ.com.

Hansel and Gretel are probably better at keeping track of their way in the woods than a federal bureaucracy is at keeping track of disbursements. Think AIG and $173  billion in taxpayer handouts. Wonder where the money went? Can’t say or won’t say. It’s just like the old toothpaste jingle only it’s not yellow that’s disappearing, it’s green:

[youtubevid id=”7_G0pUkf_ws”]

“You’ll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.”